TASAF Call For Interview, October 2020- Ajirampya360.com

Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) was initiated in 2000 by the Government of Tanzania as one of its initiatives on poverty reduction anchored to Poverty Reduction Strategies developed over time. Implementation started in 1999 with a pilot that covered eight poor districts on the Mainland.

Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) is currently implementing Productive Social Safety Net Program which aims at protecting the vulnerable poor households from severest consequences of poverty by implementing interventions that will lead to increased household incomes and opportunities while increasing consumption


The Executive Director of Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF) would like to inform all the applicants applied for vacancy posts advertised on 10th June, 2020 by TASAF that the interviews are expected to be conducted from 31st October to 11th November, 2020 at The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy – Kivukoni Campus, Vocational Educational Training Authority (VETA) Headquarters Dar es Salaam, TASAF Offices Old Kilwa Road/ Malindi, Parliament Building Shaaban Robert Street Dar es Salaam and Public Service Recruitment Secretariat (PSRS) Offices, Kivukoni Dar es Salaam.

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