New Job At Transaid Tanzania, November 2020- Project Officer

Transaid is an international development NGO with over 20 years of experience of working in the transport and logistics sector. Transaid contributes to improving road safety and maximising efficiency through building capacity within the sector, as well as increasing access to health services and essential medicines through implementing emergency transport solutions. Transaid works with government agencies, transporter associations, driver training institutions, the private sector and development partners to deliver sustainable programmes with long lasting impact. 

In Tanzania, Transaid currently works in partnership with the National Institute of Transport to improve truck and bus driver training capacity, and has done since 2010. In Uganda we have implemented programmes which have improved access to health for rural communities, and currently work to improve road safety in the transport sector. In both Uganda and Tanzania, we are currently undertaking a research project to investigate the role that transport corridors play in facilitating human trafficking.


Scroll down the document below for more information:


Please send a letter of application and CV (no longer than 3 sides in total) to 

Please mark the subject heading ‘Application for TZ Project Officer Role at Transaid’
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 15th December 2020. Interview timings will be communicated individually to all shortlisted applicants. 

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