Ilemela Municipal Council Jobs, March 2021- (Watendaji Wa Mtaa)

In October 1, 2012 MCC split into 2 authorities namely New MCC and IMC through the local government act No. 7 of 1982, the IMC was established to perform local government functions in Ilemela District. The IMC has political, economic and social responsibilities over its communities functioning through a representative organ known as Full Council which enables it to decide on how to run their own affairs in their respective localities.

The vision of Ilemela municipal Council is “A council with strong economic base that involves community participation in provision of better and equitable service delivery in harmonized condition

The mission of the Municipal Council is “To raise the living standard of the people of Ilemela through good governance by providing and maintaining basic services and facilities in areas of education, health, sanitation and other social amenities”.

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